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Promise.allSettled() Pt.2 - it's partly settled!

This is a follow-up to my first post on the upcoming Promise.allSettled() function, coming soon to a node application near you.

This is a follow-up to my first post on the upcoming Promise.allSettled() function, coming soon to a node application near you.

Earlier today I was greeted by a Pull Request on my first post from GitHub user @j-f1.

Screenshot of a github pull request on my last blog post
PR on my last post, showing how to use Promise.allSettled() now!

It turns out there is a handy way to add Promise.allSettled() to your apps right now! 🎉.  It's fiendishly simple to use, too.

The core-js npm package

That's right - core-js.  From their, it is exactly what it sounds like:

Looking further down in the readme, there's a list of supported features in the polyfill:

Well hot damn! That'll do it!

How to use core-js

As @j-f1 indicated, in any project that uses babel as a transpiler, all you need to do is add core-js to your project, and include it at your app's entry point:

First, add the dependency to your project

> yarn add core-js

Then, at your app's entry point (usually something like index.js, or app.js in the root of your project):

import 'core-js';

or, if you want to include just the Promise.allSettled() polyfill, and nothing else, use:

import 'core-js/proposals/promise-all-settled';

That's it! 🍻

Promise.allSettled() Pt.2 - it's partly settled!

This is a follow-up to my first post on the upcoming Promise.allSettled() function, coming soon to a node application near you.



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